
Posts Tagged ‘Terry Gilliam’

Bob-Hoskins-BrazilBob Hoskins, one of the great actors of our time, has left this sphere.  A little while back, I read Bill Hader’s Criterion Top 10 List — which I highly recommend — and I have to share this quote about Choice #3, Mona Lisa: When I first saw Mona Lisa, I had no idea who Bob Hoskins was (I was eight). I honestly thought they paid some low-rent criminal money to be in this movie. He was so believable that when I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit, I was like ‘Hey, that guy really turned his life around. This movie is huge. Good for him.'”

Good for him, indeed!  And so many other stunning performances.  For an intense one that features a story of movies at its core, I recommend this exceptional actor’s portrayal of Beria (the head of Stalin’s secret police) in The Inner Circlebased on the true story of Soviet projectionist Ivan Sanchin (played by Tom Hulce).  And I always have a soft spot for his comic turn with just the right hint of madness in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil.  

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Director Sarah Polley Preparing a Shot

Director Sarah Polley Preparing a Shot

A movie from this spring that offers abundant possibilities for learning is Sarah Polley’s Stories We Tell (PG-13), and in this video from the New York Times, she and her family discuss its genesis and driving questions.  This film is an excellent companion to the portraits paired with the themes of Chapter 5 and 6 of Moving Images, particularly This Unfamiliar Place and Looking Back.  Sarah Polley has directed a number of other movies, including the award winning Away from Herand she is a well known actress who has been featured in many films including one of my personal favorites, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (directed by Terry Gilliam).    

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Terry Gilliam making The Wholly Family in Italy

Who funds independently produced movies?  What makes them truly “independent?”  Outside of feature films and television shows, how do filmmakers reach audiences besides posting their streaming videos for free online?  For his recent short The Wholly Family, filmmaker Terry Gilliam – renowned for his work with Monty Python, such classics as Time Bandits and The Fisher King, and my two favorites, Brazil and The Adventures of Baron Munchausenwas entirely funded by Italian pasta maker Garofolo Pasta, and the twenty-minute movie is going to be available streaming by the British newspaper The Guardian.  And here is another good interview with Gilliam about making The Wholly Family; included are comments about shooting digitally and working in short forms.  And these days he is even talking about making The Defective Detective again…

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