
Archive for July, 2015

New York Mag Cosby WomenThe necessity for media literate citizens and creators continues to evolve at an astounding pace.  Most recently, the intensely developing story of the accusations against iconic comedian Bill Cosby has played out through a highly complex web of media platforms: scant coverage of allegations dating from about a decade ago; recent live performances from the comedian Hannibal Buress that were then uploaded to streaming video platforms; snowballing revelations through social media by victims of Cosby’s alleged abuse; and a major multimedia report in New York magazine that utilizes Internet interactivity to explore accusations against the performer by many women whose corroborative evidence has shocked people from across the globe.  The resources stemming from the New York article and more sources will serve as invaluable materials for social studies coursework, media literacy analysis, and a wide variety of evaluation of American values related to the legal system, sociology, women’s rights, and psychology in the months and years to come.  Finally, as direct primary resources that utilize digital media to express ideas, the streaming video testimonials set up to accompany the article by Noreen Malone and Amanda Demme are examples of profound uses of direct interviews to enhance stories already told through print and images.

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jordan-peele-kegan-michael-key-key-and-peele-teaching-center-sketch  Just because.

(And, yes, if you want a lesson in nailing every nuance, gesture, cut, transition, and graphic in a parody — look no further.  Key & Peele continue to hone their genius at short-form filmmaking with their provocative mix of social commentary and media savvy.)

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kreosansachaOr, “what exactly is that movie?”  – which was the title to an earlier mediateacher.net post, so we’ll be returning to that phrase again today to explore the ever-evolving 21st century media creation landscape.  (At least that’s what Google translate gave me, so it’s probably a ludicrous translation.  If appropriate, Russian readers can send along a good translation and I’ll add it to this post.  See: that will be 21st century collaborative media in action.) (O.K., here’s the P.S.: О чём этот фильм is a better translation, I am told.  I’ll take your word for it, Marta — Thanks!)

Today, we will be visiting the groundbreaking media event known as Kreosan.  Two young men from war-torn Luhansk, Ukraine, Pavel Pavlov and Aleksandr Kryukov, began conducting home science experiments and posting them to their YouTube channel.  They started to attract a following, and the political and historical contexts of their work provide powerful examples of the ways in which the creation and dissemination of media messages produce new outlets for communication and expression as well as the sharing of information, discoveries, and perspectives across cultures.  A part of that process is also the written expression of ideas through comments by followers and responses by the creators themselves, who have acknowledged the effect of feedback on their output.

kreosanFor an introduction to their work, please check out this Saturday Profile piece by Andrew Roth for the New York Times.  There is a video to watch as well as a print article.  Like many media literacy stories today, this is a richly cross-curricular tale, from the geopolitical situation between Ukraine and Russia for social studies classes to their experiments (such as with the magnetron or with lightning) for science and tech ed coursework.  Watch out for that ray gun!

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